When your teeth are affected by any accident, injury, damage, decay, or other wear and tear, they require restoration to bring them back to their normal functioning. Many restorative treatment options are available at our dental clinic; dental crowns and bridges happen to be the most prominent ones.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are cap-like restorations that bring your compromised teeth to their normal shape and size. They are placed on the top of your teeth to improve their appearance and functionality. After the procedure, your damaged or decayed teeth look and function exactly like your remaining teeth. This procedure finishes in two appointments only.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

  • A dental crown provides long-lasting restoration to your problem of missing, cracked, broken, fractured, or chipped teeth.
  • Crowns improve the appearance of your teeth. They are also used to cover severely discolored teeth.
  • Dental crowns support and provide structural support to other restorations such as dental bridges.
  • The procedure is less-invasive, straightforward, and hassle-free.
  • Dental crowns do not require elaborate care and maintenance. Brushing and flossing are enough to keep the restoration in place.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are dental devices that comprise one or more artificial teeth that replace missing natural teeth. They are attached to dental crowns that anchor the bridges to natural teeth. The crown covers two or more teeth to secure the bridge and hold the artificial teeth. For patients who do not have natural teeth available, a dentist may suggest getting dental implants to act as teeth on either side to maintain the bridge in place.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

  • Bridges are one of the simplest, permanent ways to replace a missing tooth as they do not need any surgery or invasive procedures.
  • Since bridges are manufactured from tooth-colored, dental-grade ceramic material, they look real and natural.
  • Bridges improve oral and dental functionality and address speech impairment due to missing teeth.
  • Bridges support the overall dental health and alignment by preventing the adjoining teeth from shifting out of their positions.
  • By replacing missing teeth, bridges resolve bite issues.
  • By replacing lost teeth, bridges prevent deterioration of the jawbone.

How are Bridges and Crowns Placed?

The consultation for crowns and bridges starts with the preparation of the tooth by removing a thin layer of enamel and obtaining a digital impression. This impression is sent to the dental laboratory to fabricate the restoration, which could take a few days.

Once the crown or bridge is ready, the teeth are prepared, and a suitable etching liquid is applied to enable perfect adhesion of the restoration. After bonding it using dental adhesives and hardening using a curing light, the dentist performs a bite test to ensure that the restoration doesn’t affect the natural bite. As the last step, the crown or bridge is polished to enhance its appearance.

To find out more about the dental services offered at Madison Park Dental, call (208) 356-5601 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit us at 345 N. 2ND E., Suite 2, Rexburg, ID 83440.